Hellooo, I’m Pit (DeFuss, Decker, pydi23, Pierre,…) and I welcome you to my travel blog.
I’m a 1989er. I was born and raised in Luxembourg, country-bred.
I’m so glad that I grow up in a lovely small village in countryside, called “Keespelt“. I always enjoyed being outside with my friends, spending hours in forest. We were exploring and building us a nice shelter, where we spent many summers.
I loved to travel since I was a small boy, my parents who gave us (Maurice and Edith, my siblings) the opportunity to tour with us mostly around Europe, thankfully. We also visit Africa.
From the day I was able to travel alone or with friends, I did it whenever I had the possibility and as often as my bank account allowed it. I worked as a substitute teacher for the last 5 years , so I was lucky to have many days off and a long summer vacation. So I had been to the following countries for the past 29 years:
Luxembourg, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, England, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt, Malta, United States and Canada.
But my desire to travel never stopped until now, so I decided to change my plans and I saved all the money I could during the last year, so I quit working in Luxembourg an I made the decision to travel for at least 1 year.
So I started making some plans and I began reading a lot of traveller and backpacker blogs to get some ideas and I made the decision to apply for a Working Holiday Visa (WHV) in New Zealand (NZ). But I didn’t want to travel such a long distance without seeing other countries in between.
And then a friend of mine (Raoul) also decided to start the adventure of the WHV in NZ, so we started to plan the route together.
The first thing to do, we have to choose a starting date. So we picked the 29th October to launch the adventure.
We will take off from Luxembourg Airport, “Findel“, via London to begin the experience in Sri Lanka for a few days. Then we will visit Singapore and we will arrive on 6th November in Auckland (NZ).
For more interesting and useful tips to prepare a trip to New Zealand, look on my Prepare my trip post.
So the plan is to explore the whole country, the North and South Island and while travelling around we will work in different places. (Farms, Fruit picking, Bar, Hostel, …) We haven’t choose any work before leaving, so we can be more spontaneous on our trip across NZ.
During the year in NZ I got some plans that I keep in mind, like visiting Australia, Cook Islands, Hawaii, …
But for now I’m just looking forward to start the trip and to enjoy all the new experiences. So I can’t say where I will be in 6 month, I just let it happen from now on, from day to day.
Fuss out! 🙂
PS: Why
Dingo is a type of dog that is native to Australia and it is related to the same biological family (Canidae) that includes domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes and foxes. My most used nickname is “DeFuss” so I wanted that my domain name was related to that. (“DeFuss” means The Fox in Luxembourgish, and yes we have our own language in Luxembourg). To choose just would be to obvious and the main reason was that the domain was already taken. It’s for sale but I didn’t want to spent any money on a domain name. That’s why we (Pete and I) chose So I will also use the occasion to thank Pete for his help to built up this travel blog.